STEAMCAL is a software developed under AI fired ENERGY ENGINE Expert System Series libraries for calculating the Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam which will be the base for many process applications for Energy Industry.
STEAMCAL helps in calculating Saturated properties of Steam and Water for given Pressure and Temperature, Superheated Steam properties for given Steam Pressure and Temperature and Wet Steam properties for a given Steam Pressure and Dryness. It is also checked for Super-Critical Steam Parameters.
This application will handle all three units namely SI, Metric and British Unit systems.
Also voice and vibration messages based on AI based UI interface support helps easy usage of this application..
We have fixed some identified issues in the application for better user interface.
STEAMCAL is a true companion to any process and utility engineer in performing process calculations effectively.
STEAMCAL is also a useful tool to Mechanical Engineering Students who specialise their studies in Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering.